Milagrow Humantech (Milagrow Business & Knowledge Solutions Private Limited).

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We are India's number 1 Robotics company.Apart from Robotics we also focus upon Mobile Technologies and Smart Homes.In the Indian market we have a number of accomplishments to our credit. Following is a small listConsumer Robots1. India's first Floor Cleaning Robots2. World's only Window Cleaning Robots3. World's only Body Massaging Robots4. India's first Lawn Mowing Robots5. India's first Swimming Robots6. India's largest range of Robotic Kits7. World's only Living RobotsMobile Technologies1. India's Smartest TabTop PC which could replace a Laptop due to full wired and wireless connectivity.2. India's first Sunlight Readable TabTop PC with Eye Protect Circuit3. World's first TabTop PC for Women with security applications, lightest weight and emo-tutive UI.4. India's Thinnest TabTop PC at 6.5 mm thickness5. India's first Quad Core CPU + Quad Core GPU TabTop PC.Home Automation2014 also saw the launch of India's first 24x7 Cloud Connected Floor Cleaning Robot from Milagrow.After becoming India's No.1 Consumer Robots company Milagrow has decided to expand globally with its innovative range of products.Company HistoryFounded in 2007, Milagrow came into existence with the aim of offering support as a venture catalyst to fill the 'Management Capital' need gaps of growth-seeking micro, small and medium businesses (MSMEs). After successfully establishing itself as a .One Window. growth catalyst for a large number of MSME clients in India and abroad, Milagrow diversified into .products. and set up its HumanTech division in the 4th quarter of 2011 with the objective of empowering individuals and families across the globe with technologically humane products, adapting the latest advancements in the field of Robotics, Mobility and Home Automation.Milagrow is strongly guided by its noble Vision & ethical Values in all its strategic and operational initiatives.

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