GURU IoT Co., Ltd.

South Korea, City
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Company description

#Keyword Companion Animal, Pet, Robot, IoT, Home IoT, pet robot, Robotic pet, robot for pet, smart robot for pet #Company Introduction GURU IOT Co., LTD is an IT company that started with a robot idea using smartphone. Currently, we have a vision to disseminate robotic technology that is practically necessary for everyone by giving new value to smartphone hardware resources in drawers. Development of smartphone-based care for companion pets had been completed and we are trying to find new market place in the world. # Strength  - IoT Pet-sitter Robot - Real-time interactive Video call - A Fixed Quantity/Time Feeder - Generous Capacities  - Hacking Safe Zone  - Autonomous Driving - Easy-to-manage hygiene - Simultaneous Charging #Product 1_PEDDY | smart robot for pet #URL

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