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Manufacture & Export ofIntelligent riding robot, riding toy, ride on, electric riding toy, electric toy car, toy car, electric toy vehicle, riding robot, robotic toy, battery operated toy car, micro aerial vehicals, toy airplane, toy Aeroplane, toy helicopter, flying helicopter toy : 1. Inorwards or backward and enables the driver to control directions suchas left and right, usng the rotation of a joystick rather than a steering wheel. RINGBO is the worlds first intelligent riding robot manufactured using stateof-the-t robot technology. It has the followingfeatures: obstacle recognition through a sensor, status notification,and English conversation. This ring toy can freel move about indoors since it does not require a rotation raus it uses patented technology for individual left and right turn operation. 2. microaerial vehicals This product is a rotor MAV that enables hovering and reliable flying using a rotor. This product enables hovering at 30cm or less and 160g or less. This product enables directional control. The product changes direction using the back current that causes anti-torque rather than via tail or coaxial rotors, and freely flies to the desired place by performing autonomous, reliable hovering. If needed, this product can feature cameras or sensors.

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