M-tech Co., Ltd.

South Korea, City
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Company description

Manufacture & Export ofschool,exhibition robot,educational robots,education,module,educational games,robot,robot toys,electronic toys,toys,motor,play,guide robot ,educational robot, Exhibition robot, robots, motor, play, modules Manufacture & Export of M-tech Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of educational robot, robotics, school, education, toy, robot toy, Educational games, electronic toys, Exhibition robot, guide robot, robots, motor, play, modules # Company Information M-tech is the industry's leading company incation technology. M-tech also possess core technology on robotic field which is the base of the robot system. Based on the semiconductor's laser technology, M-tech is expanding our business to communication device, laser related device, robot platform and robot toys. With the expansion of our business, the M-tech will continually maintain our market leader status in IT field. # Main Products 1. Modulo3 (Robot Product) - Easy to make and maintenance any shapes and using structured of joint connection. - Bonding strength is changed depending on the numver of joint connections. - It develops fine gross motor by using hands. - To playwith creativity and originality. - Visual skills development for the space. Understanding shapes about things. - Expressible the delicacy and big things. 2. Modulo5 (Robot Product) - It is products as like owned in various parts of the existing school, the robot's servo motors, compatible caterpillar driven education. # Video https://www.wevideo.com/view/795992592 # Webpage http://m-tech.co.kr/skin64/

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