SMC Austria GmbH

Austria, Korneuburg
Component supplier
500-999 employees
SMC Austria GmbH is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

SMC was established in 1959, in Tokyo, Japan, as a Sintered Metal Filters and filtration systems manufacturer. The evolution from basic pneumatics to more sophisticated automation solutions has granted SMC a global market share of 38%, and 65% in the Japanese market.


With 12,000 basic products and over 700,000 variations, SMC offers solutions from air preparation, instrumentation, through to valves, and actuators covering practically every single step in the automation process.


The Austrian headquarter in Korneuburg is also the headquarter for 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Here in our approximately 37,000 m2 premises, we drive the domestic economy. Our employees within the CEE Group work for you in the areas of sales, technology, administration, production and in the CEE central warehouse.


Individual components, applications and system solutions are produced locally. The site is also home to our state-of-the-art Technology Centre, which houses engineering, prototype construction, test laboratories and endurance testing facilities.

Company details


Girakstrasse 2-8
2100 Korneuburg


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Company competencies

Solution types

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Farming & Groundskeeping

Assembly & Dispensing

Logistics & Storage

Handling & Picking

Machining & Shearing

Inspection & Quality Control

Welding & Soldering


Target industries




Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage



Metal & Machinery


Pharma & Chemistry



Rubber & Plastic

Customer references

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Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

Girakstrasse 2-8
2100 Korneuburg

Contact persons

Raul Lucescu

Austria - Product Management +43 2262 62280 1727

Cobots and end effectors team up for affordable flexible solutions

While robotics led the way for the rapid growth of automation, we see cobots as the democratisation of robotics technology. They eliminate the cost and complex programming that robots usually require while providing much greater flexibility.

Andrea Trifone, Cobot project leader, SMC Italy