Denmark, Aalborg
Component supplier
INROPA A/S is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

Make your robot more efficient and reliable with simple programming.


We will provide software systems which enables you to create programs very fast and with minimal downtime of your paint line. The systems can be operated by your decicated process operators and provides simple user interfaces for all product types and robot brands. We do support as well small and medum sized companies as large international customers.


The systems range from a simple manual off-line programming system to a fully automatic programming system which is working on the basis of 3D scanners. All systems can be operated by dedicated process operators and they can handle all robot brands. They do not require highly skilled robot specialists.


For windows, doors, cabinets, steel constructions and wind mill blades we have systems for automatically generate robot programs for one of a kind products. These products are programmed on-the-fly directly in the production without any waiting time.


Our main target is to ensure that your production is running efficiently and with the highest possible througput which is directly supported in our products.


We are working with system- and robot integrators all over Europe and we are able to support our customers instantly via our remote support connection. It is our intension to be a partner with our customers - and not only a supplier. Therefore we provide long term subscription and service agreements by which we keep our customers updated with most reecent and efficient software solutions. It is our target to continuously add value, capability and prodcutivity to our customers in long term partnerships.


Company details


Gasværksvej 5
9000 Aalborg


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Company competencies

Solution types

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Target industries



Metal & Machinery


Customer references

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Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

Gasværksvej 5
9000 Aalborg

Contact persons

Henrik John Andersen

Managing Director +45 23 32 20 47