Denmark, Copenhagen SV
Component supplier
0-9 employees
RiACT ApS is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

RiACT provides software to setup, configure and operate industrial robots - independent of brand. The software is a real-time development platform for creators (integrators) and users (robot owners) of flexible robot applications. It allows you to create truly flexible behavior and high quality solutions for any robot.


RiACT lets you code at a higher level removing the complexity of robots. The RiACT interface is based on intuitive drag-and-drop of ready-made templates such as 'palletising' or individual robotic apps such as 'pick', 'drive' and 'place'. Template based coding brings simplicity and speed to the design of robot applications. It’s easy to get started: Simply drag & drop the desired template into your canvas to create new behavior for your robots and press play.


It’s simple and safe to configure your robots with RiACT - even for people with little experience - enabling your workers to interact with robots in a safe environment.


The RiACT software includes a suite of powerful tools saving you valuable time when configuring your robots for new products or tasks thereby increasing ROI. With RiACT it will take you minutes - not months - to switch tasks and change your production setup thereby making your business resistant to change with fast-to-configure robots.


For robot owners with small batch, high mix production - requiring flexibility in production - RiACT allows for multiple types of programs to be uploaded on the same robot throughout the year increasing uptime of your production.


RiACT uses AI and real-time updates to enable the robot to perform intelligent tasks autonomously. Advanced AI chooses the right application at the right time. AI techniques like object detection and calibration is readily included.


With RIACT, you can continuously extend and test your solutions while maximising the rewards from your previous works and investments. RiACT is designed for creators and users of robot solutions making robots a valuable tool in production.

Company details


A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV


This supplier has not yet informed about any brands

Company competencies

Solution types

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Target industries


Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage


Metal & Machinery

Pharma & Chemistry


Rubber & Plastic

Customer references

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Robot catalogue

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Company addresses

Head office

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Contact persons

Magnus Philip Ritzau


mp.ritzau@riact.eu +4526180826