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Manufacture & Export ofrobotics education,educational online resources,teacher website resources,robotic automation,websites for teachers free,tools for teaching online,online educational resources for teachers,free teacher websites,robot school,gantry robot Manufacture & Export of SAEON is a manufacturer of Education robot, Education teaching aids, science teaching aids, Robot education # Company Introduction Saeon corporation is an enterprise that put the best effortsto provide the innovative and novel value & vision to both our clie will be able to experience in the real world that you could only haddreamed in you imaginations. We the Saeon corporation are absolutelydefinite that we will create the bigger value through persistent endeavor of ourselves. Our company's business area can be divided intothree different aspects which is intelligencerobots, high-tech component and the robot toy. We always believe that the world best products are made by person and we will always put our best efforts to make world best technology through the challenging mind. Thank you. # Main product 1. IntelligenceRobot (Altino) 1) Our intelligence robot called "Altino" had opened the new era of the intelligence robotic industry. The main purpose of this robot was made for the educational ones so that people (especially) the younger ones could easily have interests on the education field through utilizing our robotcalled "Altino". The word "Altino" signifies high and strengths.This robot provides the most enthusiastic, dynamic and provide the great value. The following wouldbe some features of this intelligence robot. - The exterior ofthis product is made by the most strong material - Checking the condition of the ground through electric power for artificial robot control - Same mechanism with car throughfront wheel drive system - Allows the addition of various sensorand automatic control mechanism 2) The following below would be the functions of the "Altino" - Steering system (Possess the exact same steeringsystem with the actual automobile) - Dot Matrix (Capable of expressing word through using the 8*8 dot matrix) - Remote control (Able to receive and recognize remote control signal) -Measurement of temperature (Capable of measuring the temperature inthe actual robot body) - Compass (can recognize the proper direction from the current position)

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