Robotic Society in Finland - Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys
Robotic Society in Finland - Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys

Membership association representing robot and automation suppliers in Finland
Association description
The Robotics Society in Finland (Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry) is an open assiociation of people interested in (industrial) robotics. We are a private, non profit organization, established year 1983. Our mission is to support all the users, technology providers and educators in the field of industrial robotics by providing the right contacts, training and advice.
Our society completes it mission by organizing different educational events and activities. We arrange group trips to major robotics fairs and events in Europe. To support research and education we take part in national and European research projects. For active future we support different organizations providing robotics education for kids and school children like Innokas -network, FLL Suomi, and Roboedu. Great example of such collaboration is the robot TV gameshow for kids, Robomestarit.
Our member base consists of 300+ personal members and around 60 supporting members.
The Robotics Society in Finland is a member of euRobotics, member of GRC, The Global Robot Cluster, and a founding member of IARA, The International Alliance of Robotics Associations.
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Association details
Robotic Society in Finland - Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys members on HowToRobot
List of robot and automation suppliers that are members of Robotic Society in Finland - Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys.
Click on any member business to read more.
Helsinki, 00380
Pori, 28430
Algol Technics Oy
Espoo, 02610
Avertas Robotics Oy
Turku, 20380
B&R Industriautomation AB Finland
Tampere, 33720
Beckhoff Automation Oy
Hyvinkää, 05460
Cimcorp Oy
Ulvila, 28400
Deltatron Oy Ltd
Helsinki, 00700
Fanuc Nordic
Vantaa, 01510
Fastems Oy AB
Tampere, 33840
Contact persons