Robot and Automation Companies in the US

Market Report

Market Report of Robot and Automation Companies in the US

Robot and Automation Companies in the US

Overview of 1658 robot and automation suppliers in the US.

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Market report 2023: US

This report contains statistics about 1658 robot & automation suppliers in the US. 

The KEY INSIGHTS version includes:

  • Statistics and key insights (PDF)

HowToRobot's 2023 Market Study for US provides an overview of the robot and automation suppliers in the US. The report is made in a collaboration with A3 - The Association for Advancing Automation.

The latest market report contains an overview based on 1658 robot and automation suppliers in the US and contains new market insights and key characteristics of the supplier businesses.

You will find detailed information about the various supplier types, including which industries they serve, what type of applications they’re focusing on, what robot brands they’re working with, and more.

Highlights from the report

The report provides new insights into the US automation market. A few highlights from the report:

The report is built upon a total of 1658 suppliers spread over 2642 locations in the US:

  • 19 advisors 
  • 61 distributors
  • 1089 integrators
  • 177 robot manufacturers
  • 312 sub-component suppliers

Top 3 robot brands used by most suppliers: 

  • Fanuc
  • ABB
  • Yaskawa

Top 3 target industries for most suppliers:

Top 3 industries in the US


The report is based on data and research conducted by and market insights provided in collaboration with A3.

Want a custom report? Contact us for further details.
