Light automation screening

Are you looking to automate but unsure where to start?

We see your production through the lens of an automation expert, consider interdependencies between related processes, and help determine where automation adds value to the overall workflow - and where it does not.

Book a screening

When there is a structured approach to follow and advisors to trust, we don’t have to be the robot experts. Now we know what we can achieve from automation – and how to get there.

- Per Haugaard, Managing Director, Hotec Polérteknik

Our screening services

Our independent advisors can help you evaluate which processes in your facility are best fit for automation. Our recommendations are documented in a structured report to substantiate internal decision-making.

Our light screening includes:

An on-site visit by our automation advisor, incl. walkthrough of your production

Preparation of a structured report, covering:

Selection and description of up to three processes

Prioritization of selected processes on automation readiness, incl. estimated impact and risk

Recommendation on where to start

Book a screening

Book a screening

Book a light screening today and we'll help you start your automation journey