Robots in chemical manufacturing: A new formula for success

Robot Tech


Robots in chemical manufacturing: A new formula for success

Catherine Bernier
Content Manager
Content for Cobot

Discover how robots are reshaping the world of chemical manufacturing, making processes more efficient, safer, and reliable.

Chemical manufacturing, a critical component in the global industrial ecosystem, is undergoing impactful changes with the integration of robotics. From facilitating precise mixing procedures to ensuring consistent packaging processes, robots are increasingly becoming indispensable tools for many manufacturers. This article provides a comprehensive overview of chemical manufacturing robots for industry professionals:

  • The roles of robots in chemical manufacturing
  • The types of robots used
  • Their advantages and potential limitations
  • Market size

How are robots used in chemical production?

Robotic automation in the chemical sector is essential for ensuring precision, repeatability, and safety in numerous processes. As chemical manufacturing encompasses many tasks, automated systems have been tailored to meet specific needs. Here are a few examples of how chemical manufacturers use robots today.

Precision mixing and compounding

One of the fundamental stages in chemical production is the precise mixing of substances. Robots equipped with multi-axis arms can handle and mix volatile chemicals with precision, ensuring that compounds are mixed to the exact required specifications every time.

Hazardous material handling

Working with chemicals often involves dealing with hazardous or toxic substances. Robots can be programmed to handle these materials in contained environments, minimizing human exposure and maintaining safety standards.

Packaging and palletizing

Once products are ready for distribution, robots can take over packaging these goods, from filling containers with liquid products to sealing and labeling them. Additionally, they can palletize the finished products, readying them for transport with consistency and speed.

Quality control and inspection

With the integration of sensors and vision systems, robots can inspect products in real-time, ensuring they meet the desired quality standards. This eliminates potential human error and can significantly reduce the number of defective products.

Maintenance and cleaning

Chemical reactors and equipment require regular cleaning and maintenance to operate optimally. Robots, especially those designed to work in confined spaces or under extreme conditions, can perform these tasks efficiently, reducing downtime and ensuring the longevity of the equipment.

Introducing cutting-edge robotic technology with traditional chemical manufacturing processes has led to safer, more efficient, and more reliable production lines. As industry professionals continue to innovate, the potential applications for robotics in chemical production will likely expand, reflecting the evolving needs and challenges of the sector.

Which robots are chemical manufacturers using?



Several types of robots have emerged to cater to the diverse needs of this industry. Their design, functionality, and applications vary, offering solutions for various tasks.

Articulated robots

These are the most common types found in manufacturing settings. With rotational joints ranging from two to ten or more (but most commonly, six), they offer a high degree of flexibility. In the chemical industry, they are often used for tasks like mixing, handling, and palletizing. They are less effective for tasks requiring exceptional speed, reach, or extreme payload capacity.

Cartesian robots

Also known as linear or gantry robots, Cartesian robots move along straight lines. They are perfect for simple pick-and-place tasks, assembly operations, and even some precision operations in chemical labs. Cartesian robots can struggle with tasks calling for complex motion paths.

SCARA robots

With a design intended for high-speed and high-precision tasks, SCARA robots are mainly used for assembly and pick-and-place tasks. Their utility in chemical production often revolves around the precision handling of small components or samples. These robots can struggle with applications requiring moderate reach or payload capacity.

Collaborative robots (Cobots)

As the name suggests, these robots are designed to work alongside humans. They have safety features to prevent accidents and can be used in scenarios where human-robot collaboration is essential. They can be employed in tasks like machine tending, lab analysis, or even packing in chemical manufacturing. Due to their similar design, cobots face the same limitations as articulated robots.

Delta robots

Recognized for their unique structure and impressive speed, delta robots are commonly used for quick pick-and-place tasks. In chemical settings, they might be involved in sorting, packaging, or even in rapid assembly lines. Delta robots offer a trade-off of everything else to maximize speed. 

Because the range of tasks in this industry is so broad, many types of robots are available to chemical manufacturers. The choice of robot often hinges on the specific task at hand. Manufacturers should let the following factors determine which robot type they should use for a particular project:

  • Precision
  • Speed
  • Payload capacity
  • Reach
  • Motion demands
  • Proximity to people

What are the advantages?

woman checking chemical tubes


Integrating robotics into the chemical manufacturing industry has brought about many advantages, streamlining operations and elevating production standards.

Efficiency and consistency

Robots are designed to perform tasks repetitively with high precision, ensuring that every process they handle is consistent. This leads to a reduction in variability and an increase in product quality.


Chemical manufacturing often involves dealing with volatile substances, high temperatures, or pressurized systems. Robots can operate in hazardous environments, minimizing human exposure to potential risks. This results in fewer accidents and ensures that workers are kept safe.

Cost savings

While the initial investment in robotics can be significant, it can lead to substantial savings in the long run. The cost per production unit can decrease with fewer errors, less waste, and reduced downtime.


Modern robots can be reprogrammed to handle different tasks. This adaptability means manufacturers can swiftly shift production based on market demand without significant downtime or retooling.

Increased productivity

Robots can operate continuously and often at greater speeds more consistently than manual labor. This can lead to increased production rates and the ability to meet higher demand more efficiently.

Data collection and analysis

The advanced sensors and computation power robots feature allow for data collection during operations. This data-driven approach can lead to process optimization, predictive maintenance, and insights that can further refine production methods.

Reduction in human error

Even the most skilled and meticulous workers can make mistakes. When correctly programmed and maintained, robots significantly reduce the potential for error.


As demand grows, it's easier to scale up production with robotics. Additional robots can be integrated into the production line, ensuring manufacturers can meet increased demand without a proportionate increase in operational complexities.

These advantages underscore why the adoption of robotics in chemical manufacturing continues to grow. While robots provide many benefits, it's also crucial to understand their limitations, ensuring that they are employed in scenarios where their strengths can be most effectively utilized.

What are the limitations?

While robots offer many benefits in chemical manufacturing, it's essential to understand their limitations to ensure they're used optimally.

Integration challenges

Integrating robots into existing manufacturing setups can be complex, requiring significant time and investment. Facilities might need modifications to existing infrastructure to accommodate them. Additionally, programming can be difficult, often requiring skilled integrators to set up or modify these systems.

High initial cost

Despite their long-term cost-saving potential, robots entail a considerable upfront investment. This can be prohibitive for smaller manufacturers or those with tight budgets.

Maintenance and repair

Robots, like any machinery, can malfunction or require maintenance. Specialized knowledge and sometimes proprietary tools or parts are needed, which can lead to operational delays.

Despite these limitations, the advantages of using robots in chemical manufacturing often outweigh the challenges. It's about finding the right balance and ensuring they are utilized where their strengths shine the most.

How big is the market?

modern robot in chemical manufacturing


The robotic market within the chemical manufacturing sector has seen substantial growth in recent years. According to industry reports, the global market for chemical manufacturing robots is estimated to be around $700 million in 2023, with projections of continued growth at an annual rate of 4.4% through 2028.

The role of automation in chemical manufacturing is immensely valuable to modern manufacturers. From ensuring precision and safety to boosting efficiency and productivity, they significantly impact how the industry operates. While challenges exist, the potential for further integration and innovation remains vast, promising an exciting future for the robotics and chemical manufacturing sectors.

What’s next?

You may be ready to take the next step toward improving your chemical manufacturing processes, but where do you start?

The HowToRobot platform connects buyers of automation with a variety of suppliers in a streamlined, easy-to-use environment. 

Post your project on HowToRobot today for free, and begin receiving offers from vetted, relevant automation vendors from our supplier network.