Service and hospitality robots: A new face in customer service

Robot Tech

Service robots

Service and hospitality robots: A new face in customer service

Catherine Bernier
Content Manager
Content for Cobot

Discover how robots are complementing the human touch in hospitality services, offering unprecedented efficiency, safety, and a futuristic guest experience.

Incorporating robotics into the service and hospitality industry significantly shifts how businesses operate and interact with their customers. This article provides an in-depth look at the current robotics applications within this sector, detailing the various types of robots being utilized, their advantages, and the challenges they present. We also examine the market size and the potential growth of robotic technology in hospitality and service environments.

Key applications and use cases of robotics in service and hospitality

As the service and hospitality industry continues to evolve, the integration of robotic technology is becoming more prominent, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience. Here are some primary ways robots are utilized in this sector.

Customer service robots

These robots are designed to interact with guests, providing information, guidance, and even concierge services in hotels and resorts. They handle routine inquiries, allowing human staff to focus on more complex tasks.

Cleaning and maintenance robots

Robotic vacuum cleaners and window washers are increasingly common in an industry where cleanliness is crucial. These robots operate with minimal supervision, maintaining consistent cleanliness standards.

Food preparation and delivery robots

Robotics is transforming kitchen operations and dining experiences. Robots assist in food preparation, while others specialize in delivering meals directly to guests’ tables or rooms, ensuring timely service.

Inventory management robots

These robots streamline inventory management in hotels and restaurants. They track stock levels, automate reordering processes, and reduce the likelihood of errors, saving significant time.

Security robots

Used for surveillance and security, these robots patrol premises, monitor for unusual activities, and interact with guests to ensure safety.


Each application showcases the versatility of robotics in enhancing different aspects of the service and hospitality industry, offering both operational benefits and improved customer experiences.

Types of robots in the service and hospitality industry

Window cleaning robot

The service and hospitality sector employs diverse robotic technologies, each tailored to specific tasks and environments. Because of the required specialization, many of these robots are purpose-built for their tasks. Understanding these variations helps in understanding which ones are best applied to tasks in your service and hospitality operations.

Autonomous service robots

Designed to operate independently, these robots navigate through spaces, interact with guests, and perform tasks like delivering items or providing information. They can be mobile or stationary.


Strengths include their ability to work continuously without fatigue and adapt to different tasks. However, their reliance on sophisticated navigation and sensing technology can be a limitation in complex, dynamic environments.

Humanoid robots

Resembling humans in appearance and interaction, these robots are often used in customer-facing roles. Their human-like design is engaging and can make interactions more comfortable for guests. The downsides are their potentially high cost and the challenges in achieving natural human-robot interaction. 

Utility robots

Focused on practical tasks such as cleaning, maintenance, and kitchen assistance, these robots prioritize functionality and efficiency. They excel in repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, improving consistency and safety. However, their specialized nature limits their flexibility for other tasks.

Specialized robots

Developed for specific tasks like robotic bartenders or chefs, these robots add a unique flair to the guest experience. They are efficient and consistent in their particular roles but are often expensive and lack versatility beyond their designed function.

Each type of robot has a distinct role in the service and hospitality industry, contributing to operational efficiency and enhanced guest experiences while facing unique challenges and limitations. Understanding these strengths and limitations enables business leaders to make better decisions on which robots are best for their specific use cases.

Advantages of robotics in service and hospitality

The adoption of robotics in the service and hospitality industry brings several advantages, enhancing operational efficiency and the customer experience.

Improved efficiency and productivity

Robots excel in performing repetitive and time-consuming tasks with precision and speed. For example, mobile service robots autonomously deliver items to guest rooms, reducing wait times and freeing up staff for more complex tasks.

Enhanced customer experience

Robots can provide unique interactions and services that enhance the guest experience. Humanoid robot concierges offer personalized recommendations and information to guests, making their stay more enjoyable and informative.

Cost savings

Over time, robots can lead to significant cost savings by reducing labor expenses and minimizing human error. Robots are used from reception to baggage handling, substantially reducing staff and operating costs.

Increased safety and hygiene

Especially relevant in the context of the Covid pandemic, robots used for cleaning and disinfecting ensure a high standard of hygiene while minimizing human contact, thereby enhancing safety for both staff and guests. Hotel room attendants are at the highest risk of injury. Automating part or all of this application protects them from room cleaning-related injuries.

Data collection and analysis

Robots equipped with sensors can collect valuable data about operations and guest preferences. For example, robotic vacuum cleaners used in hotels not only clean but also gather data about room conditions, helping in predictive maintenance and resource allocation.

Automation can bring tangible benefits to the service and hospitality industry, making operations more efficient, enhancing guest experiences, and contributing to cost-effectiveness and safety.

Limitations of robotics in service and hospitality


While robotics offers numerous benefits to the service and hospitality industry, some limitations and challenges must be addressed. Understanding these can help in better integrating robotic solutions.

High initial investment

The cost of acquiring and implementing robotic technology can be substantial. For smaller establishments, this investment can be prohibitive. For example, high-end robotic chefs or humanoid receptionists require high upfront costs, often in six-figure (USD) territory, which can be a barrier to entry for many businesses.

Technical challenges and maintenance

Robots are complex machines that require regular maintenance and updates. In cases where technology malfunctions, such as a service robot failing to navigate correctly, it can disrupt operations and require technical expertise for repairs, which may not always be readily available.

Limited flexibility and adaptability

These robots are typically designed for specific tasks and may struggle in dynamic or unpredictable environments. For instance, a cleaning robot might excel in structured settings but face difficulties in complex or changing conditions.

Customer perceptions and interaction challenges

Not all guests may be comfortable interacting with robots, and some may prefer a human touch, especially in high-end luxury services. The absence of personal interaction can be a downside for guests seeking a traditional hospitality experience.

Integration with existing systems

Integrating robotics into existing operational frameworks can be challenging. This includes ensuring compatibility with current software systems and training staff to work alongside robotic technology.

Despite these limitations, the ongoing development and innovation in robotics technology are gradually addressing these challenges, making them more accessible and effective for a wider range of businesses in the service and hospitality sector.

Market size and potential growth of robotics in service and hospitality

The hospitality robot market is estimated to be $295.5 million USD in 2020. The market is projected to grow significantly, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 25.5% from 2021 to 2030 to a total market size of $3.1 billion USD. This growth indicates the expanding role of robotics in the hospitality industry.

What’s next?

You may be ready to take the next step toward improving your service and hospitality operations, but where do you start?

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